We do not offer pre-packaged hunts, because the most important thing for us is that we sew together the hunt according to your wishes. As we use different lands for different game species and hunting types, we ask you to contact us with your wishes through the form below, after which we will return with suggestions and price offer. We offer our hunting experiences both for you who want to have your own, peaceful moment in the woods or you who want to go with a hunting buddy or in a larger hunting party. Of course, we also offer companies that wish to organize corporate events, or perhaps hold their kickoff with the team in the forests of Norrland to start the financial year and do something exciting, relaxing and unpretentious together.
Choose if you want to sleep in our diesel-heated hunting lodge in a tent bed with a sleeping bag (recommended), or if you want another overnight option. Since no hunting days are the same, plans can be changed according to weather, wind and game availability. We are therefore prepared to quickly switch to another form of hunting in a new hunting area - but still leave your wishes on game species for your hunting experience. If you have your own hunting ground but perhaps no hunting dog, we can come to your hunting ground and hunt with a dog. We will normally return within 24 hours of receiving the booking request through the form below.
You can borrow weapons from us for all types of hunts. A requirement for our swedish hunters at the hunting events is that you have redeemed a Swedish state hunting card, have the required hunter insurance, and that you have the necessary licenses in case you have your own weapon and licensed ammunition. For our international hunting guests, we provide the Swedish state hunting card and help you with the paperwork for bringing your gun in to sweden, if you do not want to borrow guns from us.